Scripture Reflections

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Not Just Kidding

AUGUST 14, 2010

EZEKIEL 18:1-10, 13:3032
MATTHEW 19:13-15

Children! They fascinated Jesus. Jesus fascinated His disciples on account of Children. Child is the model a Christian disciple should follow and aspire to become.
When the disciples found children to be noisy, insignificant and nuisance and tried to keep them at the periphery, Jesus made them the center of His kingdom! In them Jesus found the essential characteristics of what humans should be: the children of God.

A child, as the word indicates (C-H-I-L-D) represents Care, Humility, Innocence, Learning and Dependence. These kingdom values are natural to them. A child is known for the care it needs and the carefulness it is demanded of. A child is the epitome of humility as we often say "as humble as a child". Innocence: If one does not know what innocence is, one has only to behold the face of a child. For in the child there is no duplicity. The innate nature of wonder opens the child's heart, mind and senses to the world of knowledge that surrounds it. A child learns pretty fast. What a child learns in one year, an average adult would take five years to master. No wonder, it is easy to teach children, and very hard to teach the adults. And, dependence is the trademark of children. They depend on the elders for everything (food, security, love, affection, and what not!). Dependence comes from trust. As adults, we develop independence and self-sufficiency. Dependence, however, is not a sign of weakness but of strength. Depend on God, people and the society. Trust them, their goodness, you will find life flowering.

Do not hinder them: The Father is pleased to behold the children come to Him. Children take delight in being with the Father. In the presence of God our Father we have love and security. Offending a child is, then offending the Father.

Do I become a hindrance to others in coming to Jesus?
Am I an open door or an iron wall for others in their way of faith and morality?
How far do I need to re-learn the ways of adulthood in becoming a child--caring, humble, innocent, learning and dependent?

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