Scripture Reflections

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


September 15, 2010

Memorial, Our Lady f Sorrows
Wednesday, 24th Week In Ordinary Time

Mother of sorrows

Mother, thy name is sorrow!
The ancient curse of sin broke your heart and you bled streams of tears
In pain you give birth, and in pain you bring us forth.
Mother, shared with me your body broken, your womb, your artery, and all the fibers of my physical frame.

In pain you saw me part from you, and in sorrow you gazed my fall.
When I was whipped, scourged, and stripped naked,
You my mother assumed my pain.
The cross, so heavy, was forced on my shoulders,
Mother, of sorrows, your hands reached for me.

I hang on the cross, suspended between heaven and earth,
I saw your heart, mother, trembling and broken,
For your sorrow indeed, is the sorrow of your son, you feel wretched, frozen and dry.
Death came calling, yet you lived on, for your sorrow, no death can match.

Mother, you keep living, as long as your children stand struggling,
For your sorrow is the grace manifest for your children in grief.
What marvel God has done, in giving us a mother, who stands by the cross!

Room I make for you, my mother most beloved,
In my heart, shallow and weak, though, for you forever.
When you are with me, in my tears and strife,
I will never fall, for you endure my fall.
Your heart, my mother, might break, but never ever your dream...

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